Delta Dental can help your employees who need assistance in a language other than English. Delta Dental’s enterprise-wide Language Assistance Program (LAP) provides language assistance to Delta Dental enrollees with limited proficiency in English.
LAP services include:
Delta Dental website in Spanish
Customer Service phone assistance in more than 170 languages
Professional interpretive services to help enrollees communicate with their dentists
Written materials in non-English languages and other accessible formats
Dentist directories that include the self-reported languages of contracted dentists and staff who speak languages other than English
Interpretation through a trained and certified interpreter is preferable to interpretation through friends or family.
A provider office that discovers a language barrier can call Delta Dental and we will arrange for qualified interpretive services at no cost to the enrollee. Providers and/or respective office staff are not prohibited from speaking with limited-English-proficient enrollees in the enrollee’s preferred language. However, the provider is encouraged to call Delta Dental first.
Interpreter contacts
If an enrollee is having trouble communicating with his or her dentist, he or she can call us and we will arrange for a qualified interpreter to help via telephone.
State Government Programs: 800-838-4337
Delta Dental Premier ®/Delta Dental PPO™: 800-765-6003
DeltaCare ® USA: 800-422-4234
DeltaVision ®: 800-422-4234
TTY 711
Delta Dental can arrange for interpretive services on-site at the dental office if needed. To arrange for face-to-face interpretive services, call Delta Dental’s Customer Service department 72 hours in advance of the appointment time.